Alfonso X El Sabio. (1221 - 1284).

King of Castilla y León (1252 - 1284). He was especially important for the progress of the Spanish laws. He write a lapidary resuming the Arabian knowledge and tradition.


 Almera i Comas, Jaume. (1845 - 1919).

Geologist and priest. He doctorates in the Universiad de Barcelona. Canon and professor of geology and natural history in the Seminario Conciliar de Barcelona. Landerer’s pupil. In the year 1874 he founded the Museo de Geognosia y Paleontología del Seminario de Barcelona.

Member of the Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona, he was its president in 1907. He began with the help of the Diputación de Barcelona, the geological map of the province. Five sheets of the map were published, the last of them in 1913. He was the president with Luis Marià Vidal (ON) , the extraordinary meeting of the Societé Géologique de France, in Barcelona in 1889.


 Bofill i Poch, Arturo. (1884 - 1929).

Naturalist and geologist, specialised in palaeontology and malachology. In some travels of studies in Europe and Africa he joint a wide collection of geological samples. Lately he give his collections to the Museo de Geología de Barcelona, of which he was director since 1887. He was also the director of the Junta de Ciencias Naturales and perpetual secretary of the Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona from 1896 to his dead.


 Buen y Del Cos, Odón de. (1863 - 1945).

Naturalist and oceanographist. Being professor on natural history in the Universidad de Barcelona, it was separated due to his evolutionist ideas. He founded the Laboratorio de Biología Marina de las Baleares, in Mallorca and the Instituto Español de Oceanografía. In the year 1939, after the Spanish civil war, he was exiled in Mexico.


 Calderón Arana, Salvador. (1851 - 1911).

Geologist, mineralogist. He was professor in Las Palmas, but he was devoid for political reasons. He come back to Madrid, where he founded the Institución Libre de Enseñanza.

After some time studying in Geneva, Vienna and Munich, He go with the professor Joseph Leonard to Nicaragua. And in that country, founded in León, with Leonard, the Instituto de Occidente.

In the year 1883 he was commissioned by the Spanish government to visit the most important museums of natural history in Europe, to obtain the criteria by the reform of the Spanish museums.

He was teacher of geology in the Universidad de Sevilla and, later, in the Universidad de Madrid.


 Candel Vila, Rafael. (1903 - 1976).

Geochemist, mineralogist. It was teacher in some Institutions. Vocal of the Junta de Ciencias Naturales and secretary of the Institució Catalana d’Història Natural (Barcelona). Exiled in 1939 was, after he came back, teacher of crystallography in de universities of Salamanca and La Laguna (Tenerife), and he teached geochemist in the Universidad de Barcelona.


 Carlos III de España. (1716 - 1788).

Called El Político (the politician). Duke of Parma and Plasencia, king of Naples and Spain. Defender of the ideas of the illustrated despotism, had very competent collaborators, fomenting the cultural and scientific progress.


 Cervelló Bach, Josep. (1899 - 1980).

Collector of minerals. He began to love minerals when he was ten years old.

In 1916 he was member of the Club Muntanyenc Barcelonès (ON), a society of natural sciences, and he dedicate to the scientific excursions and to collect minerals, with other naturalists of the epoch, as Dr. B. Serradell, J. Closas i Miralles, Dr. J. Marcet Riba (ON), Dr. F. Pardillo (ON) and Joaquín Folch Girona (ON), also an important collector, who was a personal friend of Cervelló.

In 1978 when the centenary of the Museo de Geología de Barcelona, he was named Conservador Honorario (honorary curator) of the institution.

His interest for minerals continue to his dead, in September 1980. His collection, of more than 3000 samples is now in the Museo de Geología de Barcelona.


 Centre Excursionista de Catalunya.

Cultural and sportive institution which began their activities in 1890. The Centre was the result of the fusion of two institutions, the Associació Catalanista d’Excursions Científiques (Catalan Association for Scientific Excursions), founded in 1876, and the Associació Catalana d’Excursions (Catalan Association of Excursions). In the first years the intents for the normalisation of the studies applied to Catalonia made of her a real popular university, where very important scientist were teaching, as Lluís Marià Vidal (ON), Pompeu Fabra, etc., with regular courses of geography, geology, botanicals and other.

It was the seat of the Estudis Universitaris Catalans in its first stage and, modernly it has been a centre of publishing of scientific. geographic and speleologic themes.

It was the meeting point for the mineral collectionism, and promoted that activity.


 Club Muntanyenc Barcelonès.

Institution for the sport created in Barcelona in 1931, it was the result of the fusion of the Club Muntanyenc and the Centre Excursionista Barcelonès. The Centre is dedicated specially from its foundation, to the speleology.


 Elhuyart y Lubice, Fausto de. (1755 - 1833).

Chemist, he studied with Hilaire - Marin Rouelle in París. After some years studying with Abraham Werner in Freiberg, he was teacher of mineralogy in the Real Sociedad Vascongada. He helped his brother Juan José in the experiences for discovery the titanium and he worked with Chabaneau in the discovery of platinum.

He worked specially to stablish the method of amalgam.

In 1786 he was named general director of the Cuerpo de Minería in Nueva España, where he can practice the methods of amalgam in the silver mines of Mexico (Diap Eu-2) (Sombrerete y Guanajuato).

In 1792 create the Real Seminario de Minería, who’s structure follow the Freiberg schema.


 Elhuyart y Lubice, Juan José de. (1754 - 1796).

Chemist, studied the discipline, the same as his brother Fausto (ON), with Hilaire - Marin Rouelle in París. He was Werner’s pupil in Freiberg and Bergman’s in Upsala. With his brother, he discover the titanium.

He was send to Nueva Granada to charge obtain metals by the method of smelting, being charged at the same time, to teach to the local technicians.


 Exposición Universal de Barcelona. (1888).

It was the first big exposition made in Barcelona. He was made in the place of the old Ciudadela de Barcelona, who was converted in Parque de la Ciudadela. The planes were made for the architect Josep Fontseré.

The exposition opened the doors in may, 20 in the year 1888, with the presence of the queen, doña María Cristina.


 Faura i Sans, Marià. 1883 - 1941.

Palaeontologist and geologist. Priest. He was a pupil of Font y Sagué, of Almera and of Bofill. Teacher in the Seminario Conciliar, in the Universidad de Barcelona and in the Escuela Superior de Agricultura, in Barcelona, where he give lessons of botany, crystallography and mineralogy. He founded the Observatorio Astronómico de Vielha. Was the director of the Servicio del Mapa Geológico de Catalunya, published by the Mancomunitat de Catalunya from 1917. He was the regent of the section of palaeontology of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona (today Museo de Geología de Barcelona).


 Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo.

He was governor of Cartagena de Indias and Santo Domingo. He crossed the Atlantic ocean sixteen times. He was named Cronista de las Indias (Chronicler of Indies) by the king of Spain. He compiled an Encyclopaedia in twenty-one volumes about the natural history and the ethnology of America, whose first part was published in Spain in 1535. His detailed description of trees, plants and pastures supposed him the tittle of Primer Naturalista del Nuevo Mundo (First Naturalist of the New World). Similar paper was assumed some missionaries of America.


Folch y Girona, Joaquín. (1892 - 1984)

Engineer, mineralogist. He was one of the principal promoter of the lead mining in Catalonia. He worked in the Societat Catalana d’Història Natural. He published some works of mineralogy. All along his life he jointed a very important collection of minerals, well known in all over the world.


Font y Sagué, Norbert. (1874 -1910)

Geologist, speleologist and writer. He is the author of the Catálogo Espeleológico de Catalunya, made in the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (ON). In 1904 he was teacher on geology in the Estudis Universitaris Catalans, and he published a Course of Dynamic and Stratigraphic Geology applied to Catalonia. He was member of the Junta de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona and he creates the Museo Petrográfico, (a collection if big rocks) to the open air in the Parque de la Ciudadela (Diap 2), in Barcelona. With Almera (ON) he contributed to the formation of the mineralogical and palaeontological collections of the Institució Catalana de Història Natural (1905).


Junta Municipal de Ciències Naturals (Junta de Ciencias Naturales). (1906 - 1979)

This organism was created in 1906, for the maintenance, increase, reorganisation, classification and cataloguing of the natural history collections saved in the museums belonging to the city of Barcelona.


Marcet Riba, Jaume. (1894 - 1963).

Geologist. He doctorate in natural sciences in 1925. He was collaborator of M. San Miguel (ON) in the Universidad de Barcelona. In 1930 was named member of the Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona and he was collaborator and, later, director of the Museo de Ciencias Naturales (today the Museo de Geología de Barcelona). He was also collaborator of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and director of the Instituto Municipal de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona.


Martorell i Peña, Francisco. (1822-1878)

Archaeologist and naturalist. He jointed valuable collections of archaeology and natural sciences which were the first point by the foundation of the Museo de Historia Natural de Barcelona.


Museo de la Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieros de Minas.

The Escuela de Minas was founded in Almadén in 1777, by a decree of the king Carlos III. In the XIX century it was placed in Madrid.

The museum it’s installed into the building of the School.


Museo de Geología del Seminario Conciliar de Barcelona.

Was founded in 1874. It is specialised in palaeontology, containing over 42000 registered taxonomic units.


Museo Geominero de Madrid.

In the year 1849 the Spanish monarchy created, with a decree, the Comisión de la Carta Geológica de Madrid y General del Reino. As a result of the classification of the collected material, a first museum was created. The museum was opened by the king Alfonso XIII in 1926. The collections save more than 7000 minerals and 10000 fossils.


Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid.

The museum began his history in 1776. It had its origin in the Gabinete de Historia Natural (the royal cabinet) of the king Carlos III. At that time ambassadors and royal representatives were obliged, while they were in foreign countries, to acquire natural samples and curiosities and that was the beginning of collections. Furtherly, the arriving of some important collections (as Davila, for instance) and the samples joined in the different scientific expeditions to America, gave as a result a very valuable collections.


Ordás, Diego de. (1480 - 1532)

Conqueror. Collaborate with Hernán Cortés in the conquest of Mexico. In 1530 he received the rights of conquest and population of the lands between Marañón river and the governation of Welser (Venezuela). He founded San Miguel de Pavía en 1531. He go to up the Orinoco river in his intention to reach El Dorado.


Pardillo Vaquer, Francisco. (1884 - 1955).

Naturalist, mineralogist and crystallographer. He studied natural sciences in the universities of Barcelona and Madrid. He doctorate in the year 1907. In 1911 was named lecturer of crystallography in the Universidad de Barcelona, occupying the charge along 42 years and exercising an important influence on the studies of crystallography in Spain. After an stage in Germany, where he collaborate with Victor Goldschmidt, he introduces in Spain the application of X - Rays on the study of crystals.

He was secretary of the Junta de Ciencias Naturales, curator and director of the Museo Martorell (now Museo de Geología de Barcelona), Head of the section of mineralogy of the Instituto Lucas Mallada del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (1943 - 1950), senior of the Facultad de Ciencias (1943 - 1951) and president of the Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona (1951 - 1955).


Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona.

The institution was founded in 1764 with the name of Conferencia Físico- matemática Experimental. In December 1765 was reorganised with the name of Real Conferencia Física, extending its temathics to all the natural sciences. In 1770 acquired the situation of Real Academia de Ciencias Naturales y Artes and in 1892 received the definitive name.


Rovira i Trias, Antoni. (1816 - 1889).

Architect. He made the plains of the building of the Museo Martorell (Museo de Geología de Barcelona).


San Miguel de la Cámara, Maximino. (1887 - 1961).

Geologist. He studied and doctored in natural sciences in the Universidad de Madrid.

In 1911 he was lecturer of the physical geography in the Universidad de Barcelona. In 1942 he goes to de Universidad de Madrid, where he occupied some important charges. He was director of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. Furtherly he was curator of petrography in the Museo de Geología de Barcelona and director of the Instituto Geológico de la Diputación de Barcelona, also member of the Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes and one of the founders of the Instituto Lucas Mallada del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.


Schulz Schweitzer, Guillermo. (1800 - 1877).

He studied in the University of Göttingen. While he was studying he worked in Las Alpujarras and, furtherly to Galicia and Asturias. Collaborate in the organisation of the Escuela de Minas de Madrid with Gómez Pardo and Ezquerra del Bayo.


Soriano Garcés, Vicenç. (1902 - 1938)

Crystallographer and mineralogist. He studied natural sciences in the Universidad de Barcelona. Was a Francisco Pardillo’s pupil. He collaborate with him as a professor of crystallography and mineralogy y the cited university and as assistant in the Museo de Geología de Barcelona.

In the museum he made a conscientious task of revision and classification of the mineralogical collections. He doctored y natural sciences in the Universidad de Madrid and in 1932 it was lecturer of the Instituto de Toledo.

His early dead impeded him a more extensive work.


Vidal i Carreras, Lluis Marià. (1842-1922).

Engineer of mines and geologist. He worked in Linares and Almadén mining districts. It was chief engineer of the Girona district, and director of the section of mines of the Sociedad del Ferrocarril y Minas de Sant Joan de les Abadesses. He studied the geology of Catalonia.

Along his life he joint an important collection of fossils, minerals and rocks, donated to the Museo de Geología de Barcelona.
