Physical properties of minerals


Hunt in 1854 demonstrated that feldspars plagioclases must be considered as solid solutions.


Fremy demonstrated in 1877 that minerals, even those which appear pure, contain almost always foreign bodies.


Thoulet prepared in 1862 dense liquors being later commonly used for the density separation of minerals.


Thomson demonstrated in 1862 that solubility of one mineral increases when a compression strain is applied to him.


Jacques Curie and Pierre Curie performed circa 1880 important studies about the piezoelectricity on minerals.


Roentgen and Schneider realised circa 1880 measurements of compressibility for NaCl and KCl.


Drude performed circa 1880 studies on the reflection of light by sulphides.


Beckenkamp in 1881 performed some measurement on the evolution of the 2V angle of anorthite until 200°C and calculated its thermal dilation coefficient.


Becquerel circa 1880 performed studies of cathodoluminescence and discovered radioactivity in 1896.


C Klément and A. Renard published in 1886 their book: "microchemical Reactions to crystals and their application to the qualitative analysis".


De Kroutschoff introduced in 1885 the spectrum analysis of minerals.


Joly used in 1898 the platinum foil furnace to determine the melting point of rocks and minerals.